Psalm 115:11
Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but to Your name give glory, because of Your mercy, because of Your truth.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
Team Philippines arrived at LAX on Wednesday, June 16th at 8pm. Even after a 13 hour flight, the team was still very excited about what the Lord had done in the Philippines. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support, we truly felt the prayers of the saints back at home. The Lord was glorified, the gospel was shared, and the believers were encouraged, that includes us too. One of the greatest works was what was done in our own lives. We will never be the same, and we give God all the glory.
Outreach at a local elementary school in Malabon.
E.J. (child touching his mouth) future pastor, from our Medical Outreach in Dinalupihan, Bataan.
Some of our sisters in the Lord from the YWAM Staff, who showed us true Filipino hospitality.
Street Witnessing in Tondo.
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