"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave His one and only Son..."

"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave His one and only Son..."
John 3.16

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

CCSB with YWAM ministries @Tondo Manila Tuberculosis Ministry/Home Visitation


The YWAM Balut Ministry reaches out to the residents of Smokey Mountain. Some live in the Permanent Housing areas, which we would call the "Projects". Some live in the Temporary Housing which would consist of four walls and a roof and some lived adjacent to the dumpsite.
Team Philippines had the privilege of visiting and praying for those individuals that were involved with YWAM. It was very humbling experience for the team, we were to share the love of Christ with people who were literally living not paycheck to paycheck, but rather living day to day. This description can only give you a glimpse of what these people encounter on a daily basis.


  1. We're loving the pictures. We'd love to see more of the interaction between the team and people of Tondo. We pray that they are being touched and led to the Lord.

  2. By the way bro, at his birthday party last nighht, Mr. David hailed the team's efforts in his hometown of Tondo. Keeping you all in prayer.

  3. Though we are not there in the physical, know we are there with each and everyone one of you in spirit. May the Lord do his will in the Philippines. God Bless.

  4. May the fire of the Holy Spirit guide each and everyone on this mission keep you all safe and in health and may our Lord Jesus Christ do POWERFUL WORKS in every home you enter.

    I will continue to pray for you all and your love ones.

  5. Dear Friends - The power of the Lord Jesus is with you. What a wonderful team of loving, passionate and courageous men and women, all giving of themselves and doing God's work. I see the Spirit of the Lord upon you and it moves and encourages my soul. I pray that God's hand will continue to be with each of you and that His Plan for everyone will be carried out. May his angels guide, protect and comfort you as you continue on your journey. (A personal message to my special angel, Sonia - I am honored to know such a remarkable warrior for Christ. You are an inspiration to so many and a gift to God's Kingdom. I love you and miss you, honey :) May God's peace and joy be with you.
