"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave His one and only Son..."

"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave His one and only Son..."
John 3.16

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CCSB Philippines Team from LAX - Landing safely to Manila then to Tondo Smoky Mountain Ministry

We arrived at Manila International Airport at 5:55am on Tuesday morning. And we were welcomed by the 80 degree humidity. After settling in at the YWAM Balut Center. Our team headed on a tour of the YWAM Balut Office, the Permanent Housing (at one time the location of the dumpsite )and the current dumpsite. For some of us it was a bit overwhelming to see so many people sharing such a small area and living in extreme conditions of poverty. We ask that you pray for the staff at YWAM and the people of Smokey Mountain.


  1. Yay Team! You made it safely, praise God.
    May the Lord bless and protect your mission in spreading the Good News.
    In the words of Pastor Steve; "GO FOR IT!"

  2. We are keeping you in constant prayer. As you do the Lord's work, may He sustain you in body and in spirit. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. May the Lord prosper your mission!

    Gonzy and Evelyn
